Armin Kittsteiner

Armin Kittsteiner

* 24.07.1984
† 12.06.2024
Erstellt von Heilbronner Stimme
Angelegt am 15.06.2024
2.080 Besuche


Kerzen (21)

Hier finden Sie alle Gedenkkerzen, die für Armin Kittsteiner entzündet wurden. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, selbst eine Kerze mit einer kurzen, persönlichen Nachricht zu hinterlassen.


Sabine und Peter

Entzündet am 29.06.2024 um 10:04 Uhr

Wir vermissen dich so sehr , in Liebe dein Tantchen !


Jaime Garza

Entzündet am 25.06.2024 um 17:59 Uhr

AMIGO, Your are greatly missed here in TEXAS!!

I was saddend when I heard the news but I quickly smiled remembering all the great times we had while you where here in Houston. You transfered here for work and we started out as colleagues but you quickly became more like a little brother! One of the first things you asked me when you arrived was, "Where can i Buy a Texas Truck?" Little did I know that the green truck my brother-in-law sold you would end up in Germany!! You showed me that we should always enjoy life and there were many times I told you were crazy for doing some of the things you did but you always replied with "Jaime, you only live once!"

I admired the fact that you truly did enjoy life to the fullest and you were also fearless. I believe people come in to your life for a reason and I believe yours was to just that... to show everyone one how to enjoy life! Armin, thank you for all the good times and cherished memories. You will be missed but never forgotten.

My sincere condolences for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with Jeanette, little Oskar and the entire Kittsteiner family. May god continue to give you all the strength during this difficult time and thank you for sharing Armin with us here in Houston. He left an imprint in the hearts of my family and many friends he made here in Texas.



Entzündet am 25.06.2024 um 08:50 Uhr

Das schönste, das ein Mensch hinterlassen kann, ist, dass man lächelt, wenn man sich seiner erinnert.


Uschi und Günter Wagner

Entzündet am 23.06.2024 um 18:18 Uhr


Familie Gnann

Entzündet am 20.06.2024 um 09:44 Uhr

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